法新社报导,彭斯(Mike Pence)在爱沙尼亚与波罗的海三国领导人会谈后表示:「我们希望与俄罗斯之间能有更好的时光和更好的关系,但莫斯科近来的外交行动不会吓阻美国对自身安全、对盟国安全和对全球爱好自由国家安全的承诺。」
Vice President Pence is in Eastern Europe
Speaking in Estonia earlier today, I told them that at this very moment, Russia continues to seek to redraw international borders by force, undermine democracies of sovereign nations, and divide the free nations of Europe – one against another. Under President Donald J. Trump, the United States of America rejects any attempt to use force, threats, intimidation, or malign influence in the Baltic States or against any of our treaty allies. To be clear: We hope for better days & better relations with Russia, but recent diplomatic action taken by Moscow will not deter the commitment of the United States of America to our security, the security of our allies, and the security of freedom-loving nations around the world. #VPinEurope
Posted by Vice President Mike Pence on Monday, July 31, 2017
彭斯在记者会表示,他转达了总统川普(Donald Trump)给这3个国家的口信:「我们与你们站在一起。」
俄罗斯总统蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)昨天说,美国必须砍掉在俄罗斯的755个外交幕僚人员;并警告美国国会通过对克里姆林宫的新制裁案后,美俄关系的僵局会经久拖延下去。
彭斯昨天提出了在爱沙尼亚部署「爱国者反飞弹防御系统」(Patriot anti-missile defence system)的可能性。爱沙尼亚是他本次欧洲行的首站,此行还包括乔治亚(Georgia)和蒙特内哥罗(Montenegro)。