

Systems Thinking Definition (系统思考的定义)

Following is A System Structure from System Dynamics (下面是一个来自动态系统的典型例子)

These ideas are captured in Forrester’s (1969) organizing framework for system structure:

  • Closed boundary 因果影响可达范围的最远/最源边界-界
    • Feedback loops 资源和因素的信息互馈回路-路
      • Levels 系统内各种或某资源储量水平-量
      • Rates  系统内各种或某资源流动速度-速
        • Goal 系统的目标和保持-宗
        • Observed condition  可知状态与条件的表现-状
        • Discrepancy 可知状态条件的差异-差
        • Desired action 系统愿望的可愿行动/行为-行
The closed boundary signals the endogenous point of view.  The word closed here does not refer to open and closed systems in the general system sense, but rather refers to the effort to view a system as causally closed.  The modeler’s goal is to assemble a formal structure that can, by itself, without exogenous explanations, reproduce the essential characteristics of a dynamic problem. The causally closed system boundary at the head of this organizing framework identifies the endogenous point of view as the feedback view pressed to an extreme.  Feedback thinking can be seen as a consequence of the effort to capture dynamics within a closed causal boundary.  Without causal loops, all variables must trace the sources of their variation ultimately outside a system
封 闭的边界信号/表达的是(划定)内生外源性的观点。关闭这个字这里并不是指一般意义的打开可闭合,而是指为系统本身因果的结束。模型的目标是组建一个正式 的结构,可以在本身没有外源性的解释情况下,重现一个动态问题的本质特征。在这个组织架构的因果封闭顶端预示着的系统本身已包含了相互影响的因果反馈到了 极致点都在系统的包含之中了。反馈的思想可以被看作是为了在封闭的因果边界捕获动力/变化的结果。如果没有因果循环的界定,所有的变量都必须追踪他们的变 异来源最终产生在系统之外(因而观察的边界也就必须扩展)

The system dynamics approach emphasizes a continuous view.  The continuous view strives to look beyond events to see the dynamic patterns underlying them.  Moreover, the continuous view focuses not on discrete decisions but on the policy structure underlying decisions.  Events and decisions are seen as surface phenomena that ride on an underlying tide of system structure and behavior.


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