

Part of the Little Dudes series, documenting the little dudes who live in my home.

(图源:Flickr JD Hancock)

●「一个新创公司的成功,绝不仅仅取决於募资一个因素;创业者还需要了解团队组建丶产品设计丶退场机制……等多方面的资讯。」— 安尼士·吾札曼(菲诺克斯共同创办人兼执行长)


●”Never reject an idea, dream or goal because it will be hard work. Success rarely comes without it.” - Bob Proctor, Motivational Coach

「绝不要因为怕辛苦,就拒绝一个想法丶梦想或目标;成功大多伴随辛苦而来。」— 包柏·普克

●「决策者可能犯两类错误:一类是把正确的事情视为错误而拒绝,另一类则是将不当的事情误以为是而接受。」— 郭位(香港城市大学校长丶中研院院士)


●”The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you put into it that counts, but how much it digests.” - Albert J. Nock, Writer

「人的大脑像是胃肠,重要的不是你放进去多少,而是消化了多少。」- 艾尔伯特·杰伊·诺克

●「最先要思维改变(mindset change)的,就是老板与主管本身!」— 李彬(远传电信总经理)


●”Too many of our prejudices are like pyramids upside down. They rest on tiny, trivial incidents, but they spread upward and outward until they fill our minds.” — William McChesney Martin, Chair of the Federal Reserve

「许多偏见像是颠倒的金字塔,来自於琐碎丶不重要的小事,但是会往上延伸扩大,直到充斥我们的内心。」 — 威廉·麦克切斯尼·马丁
