
今天我们要学的词是 prioritize. Prioritize 动词,优先考虑,优先处理。President-elect Donald Trump said he would prioritize the deportation of two to three million illegal immigrants who are dangerous or have criminal records. 美国当选总统川普表示,他的当务之急是把两到三百万危险的,或是有犯罪记录的非法移民遣送出境。A recent poll finds that more Britons want their government to prioritize favorable trade deals with the EU rather than reducing immigration. 最近的一项民调显示,更多的英国人希望政府把工作重点放在跟欧盟达成更有利于英国的贸易协定,而不是减少移民人数。好的,我们今天学习的词是 prioritize, prioritize, prioritize…