
今天我们要学的词是 counterweight. Counterweight 用于平衡,制衡的力量。美国国防部长卡特前往印度访问。U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter tried to enhance a relatively new defense relationship with India which the U.S. sees as a counterweight to the growing power of China. 卡特试图培养美印间年轻的国防关系,美国认为印度可以对中国实力的上升起到制衡作用。Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said recently that Japan and South Korea should have nuclear weapons as a counterweight against China and North Korea. 美国共和党总统参选人川普最近说,日本和韩国应该拥有核武器,制衡中国和朝鲜。好的,我们今天学习的词 是 counterweight, counterweight, counterweight…